A partner you can trust

Empowering you to proactively navigate the ever-changing care industry.

Helping you navigate the turbulence

Empowering you to proactively navigate the ever-changing care industry.

Giving you wings to fly

Empowering you to proactively navigate the ever-changing care industry.

Specialising in





Every day I help organisations move from uncertainty, turbulence and stress toward confidence and clarity. No matter the challenge, whether its financial, structural or care, we accompany organisations and their teams on the journey toward a sustainable future.

Julia McCarthy, Founder


At Consultative Care Options we help you to think differently.

Perhaps you need to diversify income by looking for new opportunities; maybe you’ve got the right people but they’re in the wrong jobs; or your systems are no longer fit for purpose.

Whatever the problem, our customer-centric solutions are designed to work to your strengths and move you toward a more dynamic, flexible and agile reality.

Whether it’s understanding and maximising funding models; complying with government regulations; or being able to respond to new external pressures; modern care organisations need to be professional, responsive and sustainable.

From start-ups to established organisations, Consultative Care Options has specialised expertise and experience across home care, residential aged care, private aged care, NDIS, retirement living and alternative accommodation.

Our Solutions

What do you need to do now to plan for significant changes on the horizon?


As the modern care sector faces continuous change, we offer an independent voice which understands client, government and industry expectations. We review policies and procedures and assess your performance against industry standards. We identify risks and recommend effective mitigation to assist you to comfortably meet regulatory requirements.


We work with boards, CEOs and management teams to analyse performance and organisational effectiveness. Our trouble-shooting approach is designed to review gaps in your service, build capacity, and put in place the business strategy, systems and governance processes you need to set you on a customer-focused path to success.


We understand many providers have a business model which no longer works in today’s market. Indeed, the challenge of remaining viable amid a downturn in profitability is all too familiar. We assess your overall business strategy and provide solutions designed to set you on the path to sustainability. We analyse and assess pricing and income streams, and we are also specialists in writing grant funding applications.


We analyse staffing structures to assess if they are fit for purpose to meet the needs of today’s clients. We are specialists in recruitment and retention strategies including organisational scaling and restructures.  We assist you to build capacity through staff training and development strategies designed to build a highly effective, productive and client-focused workforce.


From customer-service to online marketing we can assist you in ensuring your organisation is aligned with and responding to the needs of potential and existing clients. We are experts in tracking, monitoring and evaluating the customer journey and how it impacts upon the perception of your organisation.

Our Approach

I like to think of the way we work with each client as building a bridge. Right now the problems may seem overwhelming but by working alongside an organisation and getting to the heart of the issue, we can begin the journey toward a new, vibrant and viable reality.

Julia McCarthy, Founder

Is your organisation stuck in a rut?

At Consultative Care Options we get to the heart of the problems which are holding you back.

Our approach involves unpacking the layers of complexity which face many of today’s care service providers.

In an increasingly complex world of  compliance, financial stress and acute care needs, it’s not unusual to feel like you’re out of your depth. In fact, the pressure to stay afloat and keep your head above water can be overwhelming.

The reality is, turbulence will always be with us and organisations which survive and thrive are the ones that can face that uncertainty head on.

At Consultative Care Options our tailored approach is designed to analyse and identify the unique issues facing your organisation.

We then work alongside you to implement the solutions and opportunities which are right for your business.

What our clients say

Julia understands the complexities of service delivery within a culturally and linguistically diverse care organisations like ours. She is quick to respond, especially at short notice and in crisis situations. She’s up to date on the latest changes and because she is ahead of the game it enables our organisation to remain ahead of the game as well.  Julia has helped us to continue to build and grow, delivering quality, responsive and innovative services to our clients. Julia understands the diversity and complexities of service delivery within culturally and linguistically diverse care organisations like ours.


CEO, Not-for-profit Home Care Provider, QLD

We know with Julia that we can ask her anything. She works alongside us, keeps us on track and delivers exactly as she has promised. In just 2.5 years working with Julia our business has grown and developed beyond expectations. We’ve got new systems, a new business plan, a new strategic plan and now we’ve expanded into another five regional areas and have created specialist accommodation. Bottom line… our business wouldn’t be where it is today without her.

Directors, Home Care, NDIS and Supported Accommodation Provider, Regional NSW

Julia really is amazing. Her industry knowledge is exceptional and she provides us with the highest quality advice and support. She is incredibly efficient and can always be relied upon to deliver just as she has promised. It’s true to say we couldn’t do without her. 

Director, Residential & Home Care Provider, VIC

We enjoy working with Julia McCarthy for our Home Care and NDIS businesses.  She is always quick to respond and very helpful in sharing her strong knowledge of both Home Care and NDIS.  We have particularly valued having her work with our clinical team to perform external audits and assist us to improve Care Planning for our clients.

Owner, Home Care and NDIS Provider, QLD